Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Find...

My daughter has always been one of those kids that got 100% on her spelling tests without ever having to study. Up until this year that is. Her first F on a spelling test devastated her. I frantically tried to help her study for her words for the next week. We said them out loud together, she wrote them 5-20 times each, I tried to teach her little tricks (like together is spelled to-get-her), and we even sang the words out. The next test a D. I couldn't understand what the huge difference was between last year and this year. So I asked her what her teacher is doing differently than last year. I found out last year every day they would play spelling games. So I have a light bulb moment and do a quick google (yes it is a verb now) of online spelling games. is one that came up. It allows me to type in her weekly words and then she can play a number of games like word scramble, hangman, and fill in the missing letter. It will also test her. She loves it and will play it over and over again. And the most amazing thing, the first week we used spelling city she came home with an A. Who knew you could learn more when you're having fun?

1 comment:

Janet said...

What a great resource. Thanks for sharing it. My 8 year old missed 4 on her latest test because the "ei" "ie" thing got her. I need to make sure I go over her spelling every time and not just assume she'll do well. Oops!